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CVE-2022-38813 Privilege Escalations in Blood Donor Management System Using CodeIgniter - 1.0

Updated: Sep 18, 2022

Exploit Title: Privilege Escalations in Blood Donor Management System Using CodeIgniter - 1.0 Date: 9 Sep 2022 Exploit Author: RashidKhan Pathan Vendor Homepage: Software Link: Version: v1.0 Tested on: Windows 10, Kali Linux CVE : CVE-2022-38813


PHPGurukul Blood Donor Management System 1.0 does not properly restrict

access to admin/dashboard.php, which allows attackers to access all

data of users, delete the users, add and manage Blood Group, and Submit


Steps to Reproduce: 1: to Exploit the Vulnerability Attacker have to login with user account and attacker need to change user endpoint in to admin endpoint in url,

2: Eg: http://localhost/blood/user/dashboard Change to http://localhost/blood/admin/dashboard Proof Of Concept:

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